Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2, NRSV)
St. John Windfall is home to a Stephen Ministry program. Stephen Ministry encourages believers to walk alongside those who are experiencing the pains and trials of life. At Windfall we equip God’s people for the work of the ministry, bringing Christ’s healing love to people who are hurting and sharing with one another the love of Jesus.
What is Stephen Ministry?
Stephen Ministry is the one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations that use the “Stephen’s Series” system. Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
One-way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the After People.
Stephen Ministers are there:
- After the phone call you hoped you’d never get.
- After the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.
- After the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life.
- After the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.”
- After the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”
- After the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.
- After the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
- After the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.
- After you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
- After your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out.
Stephen Ministers are the After People. They are ready to come along side you—or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives—and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed.
Can I Trust a Stephen Minister?
Trust is essential to a caring relationship, and Stephen Ministers are people you can trust. Confidentiality is one of the most important principles of Stephen Ministry, and what a care receiver tells their Stephen Minister is kept in the strictest confidence. (Please see Agree to Receive Care document for specifics about responsibilities and confidentiality.) How Much Does it Cost? Stephen Ministry is free of charge to Windfall members, visitors, and the wider community. How do I request a Stephen Ministry Caregiver? Reach out to the Pastor or church office ([email protected] or 419-864-9303) with the name and contact information for the individual in need. They will put you in touch with a Stephen Leader who, with God’s help, will identify the need and make a connection with a Stephen Minister. Please know that all information is kept in strict confidentiality. |
Visual interpretation of a Stephen Minister
By: Scott Blackford, Stephen Leader/Minister |
How do I become a Stephen Minister?
Windfall has a group of Stephen Ministry commissioned leaders and ministers. Please reach out to one of the Leaders to learn more about the program.
More about Stephen Ministry
Windfall has a group of Stephen Ministry commissioned leaders and ministers. Please reach out to one of the Leaders to learn more about the program.
- Scott Blackford – Stephen Leader/Minister, [email protected]
- Steve Ackerman – Stephen Minister
- Cindy Harris – Stephen Minister
- Diane Ruth – Stephen Leader/Minister, [email protected]
- Linda Ruehrmund – Stephen Minister
- Deb Noll – Stephen Minister
More about Stephen Ministry
- Stephen Ministry began in 1975
- More than 13,000 congregations have enrolled in Stephen Ministry
- More than 75,000 pastors and lay leaders from those congregations have been equipped as Stephen Leaders
- More than 600,000 lay people have received Stephen Ministry training
- More than one-and-a-half million people have had a Stephen Minister to walk with them, providing one-to-one Christian care during tough times
- For additional questions about Stephen Ministry visit