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- Enter through the east drive of the parking lot. Ushers will greet and direct you to the appropriate parking spot.
- Exit through the west drive of the parking lot. Offering is still encouraged to be given by mail or online, but there will be a container at the exit where you can place your offering.
- You can worship from your car by listening to the worship service through your car radio on 100.1 FM station.
- Bring your own Bible.
As Lutherans we believe that it is the gathered people of God that come together to celebrate the sacrament, typically in a congregation, but also in other settings such as hospitals, nursing homes etc.
When you enter for our outdoor worship services, ushers will pass out individual (biodegradable/compostable) communion cups. When it is time to distribute the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the presider will come to your circle or vehicle to distribute the consecrated host (dropping it in your hands to avoid hand touching) and a communion assistant will have the consecrated wine or grape juice. There will be an assistant that will have a bowl where you can place your communion cups.
Just because Holy Communion is being offered does not mean you have to receive it. Do not take a cup upon entering and communicate to us that you are not receiving during the distribution of the Sacrament. God is not punishing or excluding you because of your health or safety concerns. It is widely held in the Christian tradition that when physical impairment means we cannot receive either element, the grace of the Sacrament is still fully available. Whenever the Sacrament is offered to us and the intention to receive is present, so is God's grace.
Please let us know if you are not able or uncomfortable in attending worship gatherings at this time, we can plan to safely provide the Sacrament to you. Pastor or Lay members can safely deliver the Sacrament to you as an extension of our worship service.